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Ces témoignages m'ont touchés et marqués. Ces paroles me remplissent de bonheur et me donnent envie de continuer à donner des émotions.


This testimony touched and marked myself. These words fill me with happiness and makes me want to continue to give emotions.

Un témoignage sur mon mur Facebook:

A testimony on my Facebook wall:

My motto is a quote from Stendhal: "The vocation is to have a passion for profession ..."

I think it also applies to you because there is so much passion in your photos ... You describe yourself as "amateur" but there's nothing amateurish in your work! Your eye perceives the essential and sends us a whole range of emotion, that is what is upsetting ..

You have the vocation, Sarah, and the sensitivity that goes with it, personally I love ..

Cartier-Bresson said, "Just live and life will give you pictures."  So live your art thoroughly and capture all those magical moments that will exist forever  thanks to you...

Monsieur Richard Sandler répondant à un message de ma part :

Mister Richard Sandler responding to a message from me :

Un témoignage sur mon mur Facebook:

When images come from the heart, they speak to the heart and it's good like that.

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